Tuesday, June 9, 2015

#3 Reflecting after reader's/writer's workshop

When thinking about how I want my students to reflect on their learning, I came across some reflection sheets or samples for students to use after reading or writing workshops.  I think that I could use both of these in my classroom.  I think that with anything it would take great practice and modeling to have my students use this effectively.  I also think that this would be a reflection item I would establish maybe in October as the month of September I am just trying to establish routines and procedures in the classroom.  I think about how often I reflect as a teacher.  I feel like I am constantly monitoring in my head and saying, "Oh, that didn't go how I intended" or "Wow, they got it, lets keep going..." I want my students to learn how to monitor their learning and reflect on what they did well and what they need to work on for next time.  

1 comment:

  1. Yes--even Kindergartners can learn how to self-monitor and make goals for learning. Exciting!!!
